Buy Your Own Business
Buy Your Own Business
Achieve Your Goals and Dreams of Business Ownership through Franchising

The Four Ways People Earn Money

Robert Kiyosake, the author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of books, states that people earn money in business from one of four ways; they are employees, self-employed, business owners or investors. He calls this the Cash Flow Quadrant.

    1. If you are looking for security, benefits, set hours to work, and are concerned about vacations, then you may be best suited to be an employee.
    2. If you just want to be your own boss or like to do your own thing, and freedom to do it your way is more important than money, then you should probably be “self-employed”.
    3. If you are the type of person that can follow and implement a system; you can manage people and delegate duties, and you are looking to build equity then business ownership might be right for you. 
    4. If you are the type of person that wants to make money with your money, then you are an investor. 

    Franchising has many opportunities for being self-employed, a business owner or an investor. Before looking at specific franchises, review with your Franchise Resources Consultant the types of franchises that match your specific requirements for self-employment, business ownership or as an investor. While there is never a guarantee of success in any business you will be better prepared to make an informed decision for yourself with an Franchise Resources Consultant assisting you.